Do you eat ice creat the right way?

Summer is coming - or at least so we hope - therefore ice cream needs to be eaten. The right way to eat ice cream is with friends, outside on a hot day, in a Stanitzel like this:

The great linguist Johann Siegmund Popowitsch  (sorry for the article in German, if you want to have details about him in English, please post exact questions below and I will answer them as good as I can) said that it originates from Slovenian: škarnicelj, Croatian: štanicl, respectively škarnicl Serbian: štanicla or Hungarian: stanicli. - I am sure he is right about this!

Stanitzel is a great example for the difference between Austrian German and German spoken in Germany. If you order a Stanitzel in Germany, nobody will understand you. You need to order a Tüte in Germany. However, if you order a Tüte in Austria, you might get into troubles with law enforcement, as you are ordering illegal drugs!

Homework: Look outside the window. If the sun is shining, meet up with friends and eat ice cream out of a Stanitzel. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself and have fun!

Also, post below your favorite flavor of ice cream. Explain, why you like that taste. I am looking forward to your responses!


  1. I expected that Austrian, especially in the east, would have some slavic borrowings, like those in Yiddish. Is the word tschotschke known anywhere in Esterreich?

    1. Hi there, yes, the Austrian language does have a lot of Slavic influence a good example is shown in the post above. In Lower Austria even one of the most prominent peaks has a Slavic name (Ötscher).

      Yiddish is based on the German language and depending on which of the six major dialects is spoken the Slavic influence is bigger.

      I have not heard the word you mentioned above before. First I pronounced it and read it as "Zwetschke" (English for plum, and Powidl will make a great post) but then I looked it up at Yiddish and found Tchotchke is a small bauble or miscellaneous item. Depending on context, the term has a connotation of worthlessness or disposability as well as tackiness.

    2. Hi there Myrtone, thanks again for bringing up the "slavic borrowings" in the Austrian language. I have written a post about the Powidl here:

    3. Isn't Zwetschke Austrian for plum, not English?

      In Niederesterrech, gibt's a Berg mit a slavischer Name, Ötscher.

      If it is a Slavic name, what is the umlaut doing?

    4. Dear Myrtone! You are right! I wanted to say "Austrian for the English word plum" - I guess my brain was faster thinking than my fingers were typing. Thank you very much for spotting and outlining. Unfortunately, I don't find any way to edit comments in the software used.

      The name of the mountain is Slavic (Ötscher is the word for "father" or "old father"). However, when they wrote down the name, they simply used what they had in the German alphabet. As we don't have any acutes, they simply used an Umlaut.

  2. But there is no ö or ü sound in any Slavic language, and even many southern german dialects, including Austrian ones often don't have those vowel sounds, the ones that don't have e where other dialects have ö. Also, the nearest slavic word I could find is Oče (Slovenian for father), which no accent of any kind over the o.


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